Originally Posted by Ustwo
I'll note everyone ignored the data on adult circumcision.
The few adults that need to have this procedure done get to make the decision themselves. They understand what it is, and what will happen. I don't think that guys in Europe are rushing to get this done for cosmetic reasons.
And the pictures at that AAFP site showed that the guy lost his inner skin and frenulum. The feeling would be different if you didn't have any sensation on the shaft. Yes, you might last longer, but would you trade some of your pleasure to last 1 more minute?
Originally Posted by xepherys
2. Why is this particular argument so important to some people? So are appendectomies and tonsillectomies. If people decided to start performing them both on young children, without their consent, I wouldn't be 100% opposed to it. There may be valid reasons for such things.
I have never had a problem with my tonsils or appendix. Yes, my sister had her tonsils taken out, and my cousin had his appendix removed. But, why would you preemptively remove something when you might not need to? 99% of kids grow up without a problem with either organ. There is no valid medical reason to remove my tonsils or appendix since they have not caused me any problems. I had a healthy foreskin when I was born, but it was removed for some reason. There might be a small chance that I would have enough of a problem with it in the future, but I could understand why it was done then.