i'm not exactly sure I truly know what happy really means -- I'm sure what's happy for some isn't for others... Some people, myself included, could look at Gilda's life and think - this woman has it all - a great career, a spouse that loves her, family that loves her, the ability to care for a family member who needed her, countless other things - in addition to being beautiful both inside and outside - what's not to be happy about...
Does happiness come from satisfaction with who and what we are? Gilda names a few things that she doesn't think she is - so rather than being satisified and happy with what she has-- shee seem to focus on what she doesn't have... does that get in the way of happiness?
Am I satisfied with my life? Some days yes -- other days - not so much...
If not, what is it about your life that you think is responsible? What changes in your life do you think would allow you to be happy?
I'm responsible for my own happiness... and the old expression is true, you will never be happy with someone else -until you are happy with yourself... There are about 10 things that I would needto be satisfied with myself... A shot of postiveness would be a good start - and to stop focusing on the negatives about myself-- easier said that done...
I can sit down with anyone -- and in 10 minutes of knowing them - -easily name them 10 good things about them... I am incapable of doing the same thing for myself...

Finding and actually believing the good things I think is the key to happiness...