Originally Posted by samcol
Well at least they could use our own planes against us if it escalated. I'm glad that at least someone (the defense contractors) will be winning the war on terror since they are supplying both sides of the conflicts.
Bush: U.S. to Sell F-16s to Pakistan
Reversal, Decried by India, Is Coupled With Fighter-Jet Promise to New Delhi
By Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 26, 2005; Page A01
CRAWFORD, Tex., March 25 -- President Bush rewarded a key ally in the war on terrorism Friday by authorizing the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan, a move that reversed 15 years of policy begun under his father and that India warned would destabilize the volatile region.
The United States barred the sale of F-16s to Pakistan in 1990 out of concern over its then-undeclared nuclear weapons program, but Bush has forged a close relationship with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf since Sept. 11, 2001, and considers his help crucial in the battle against Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist organization.....
.....Critics in Washington assailed the decision, saying the administration would effectively supply both sides in a new arms race in one of the world's most dangerous hot spots, even as it rewards an authoritarian government in Islamabad in conflict with Bush's stated commitment to promote democracy around the globe.
Well, how else is Bush going to pay for this war and for Pakistan's support?
Anyone believing Bush is doing this "to bring democracy around the world" needs to be drug tested or sent to a nice padded room.
What's going on in Iraq and the Middle East, has always been about Bush's agenda, not the country's best interests.
If this were truly about the country's best interests and not Bush's we would have never gone into Iraq and we would have Bin Laden and have pretty much shut down Al Quida.
Instead whenever one of our "allies" starts to question us and appear they may weaken relations with us, Al-Quida seems to bomb them. I would think it should be the other way around. When a country is more in support of us.... but what do I know.
This whole atmosphere of the Bush Administration:
- war in Iraq,
- the war on terror, that doesn't seem to be going after Bin Laden, that allows 10,000's of illegals (anyone of which could be a terrorist) to cross our Mexican border,
- and the torture prisons, the wiretaps, the mail openings......
- the massive deficits yet tax cuts and cuts in needed social programs
all smell to high Heaven. It's wrong and it's destroying us from within.
I doubt Pakistan will be next though, they don't have oil there. Besides as long as we give them arms so that they are superior to India, Pakistan won't say shit. If they do, we just start arming India and back them.
No, the Bush Administration and the press seem to be really working on Iran.
One can only hope and pray the Dems. get some seats back this year and stop this man.
And one can only fantasize that Bush will give up power in '08. After all he has been doing and all the crimes and lies he has committed, I truly worry about '08 and him leaving office. I don't think he will. I think if the Dems win anything this year, he'll try to disband Congress or just ignore them and do whatever he wants.
The proof that he will do whatever he wants, illegal, ethical, whatever obstacle, he thumbs his nose and does it anyway. He has already been shown us that he is all about the power and making sure the rich get tax cuts so that they won't care what he does.