Originally Posted by Locobot
I'm still a little more concerned about the 100% of military KIA who would have survived if we hadn't undertaken this foolish endevour in Iraq. But then again they had weapons of mass destruction er I mean there was a mandate for democracy errrr we have a clear moral high ground because we don't torture errrrrrrrrr something what was it? OH YEAH all that sweet sweet oil just sitting there waiting to be mined by Halliburton through scandalous government contracts. That's the ticket! What's a few thousand dead military personnel, several thousand more dead private contractors, and tens of thousand dead Iraqis when we're talking about padding Dick Cheney's stock portfolio (which is fucking tits). Die for oil suckers, die for oil!
Yeah, too bad we can't adopt France's philosophy. Then 100% of our people would be sipping wine in outdoor cafe's.
Oh, wait .....
Guess I'll go out and fill up my tank with gas from the oil we stole from Iraq.
Oh, wait ....