Q:CA GunLaw-"used"vs."new"&30day lockout
I'm a California resident.
I recently purchased a Kimber 1911 and currently waiting out the 10 day waiting period before I can receive it.
I understand I need to wait 30 days from that purchase date before I can buy another new handgun.
Someone informed me that the 30 day lock-out only applies to new guns, not "used ones." So my questions are:
A). Is that true?
B). If true and I buy a "used" handgun do I receive the handgun at the end of this current 10 day waiting period? or is there a separate 10 day waiting period for the second gun from the time I bought it?
C). If true would it only applicable to a used purchase from one private seller to another through an FFL dealer? or would it also true of a used purchase sold by an FFL dealer (e.g. through Gunbroker.com or Gunsamerica.com)?
The answer isn't clear to me - even after going through the California Gun Laws.
Any help would be appreciated.