Originally Posted by Charlatan
They are still going to do well. They are still in shape to get more seats than last time. It's just that the Liberals will lose seats to the Conservative rather than the bloc... very few saw this happening.
I still find it hard to believe that people are buying this new Stephen Harper that is being served to us. I don't think he's changes at all from the last election (or even his reform days for that matter).
I guess Canadians are really that ready for change. I guess if you say it enough, people start to believe it.
Stephen has not changed one bit. But he's doing things smarter this time.
He's keeping his cards close to his chest and he's being very careful not to say or do anything stupid. He's taken a page right out of the Jean Chretien school of campaigning actually.
With a week and a half to go, Harper is looking strong.
Still, last time, he was looking just as strong as well. I was shocked when the liberals won a minority.
Frankly I am torn. I am sick of the liberals, but I like Paul Martin.
I wonder if Martin will even be able to hold onto his own seat.
I would imagine that if the Liberals lose, he will resign anyway. His life long ambition realized only for a moment. He's got to be bitter. Especially with Chretien.