This country's attitudes are so fucked up it's not even funny. On the one hand we embrace capitalism. TV shouts at us all day to consume consume consume! And the richer you are the more respect you get. But then if you get TOO rich, you're expected to switch over to socialism and give it all away, or you're stingy.
It's his money. He should be able to do with it what he pleases without being bitched at to give to charity. Hell if I had that kind of money I'd have a Leno garage AND a few airplanes sitting around. Sure I'd give to charity too, but I'm not obligated to just because I made a few more bucks than most people.
If we REALLY think that the rich have too much money and should give it away, then we REALLY think our economic system should switch to communism/socialism.
What actually interests me most about Travolta's house/planes is that he's a scientologist. Those guys want you to give your money to THEM, not the airplane dealership