Originally Posted by darkangel
Thanks everyone for your replies, sorry I've been slow..
I guess I just don't want a credit card because I don't even want the temptation to be there. Oh, I want a new guitar? I don't get paid for 2 weeks, but I'll just put it on the card now, and pay full price in 2 weeks..
2 weeks later.. Oh look, a new amp.. etc..
I could very prone to do that sort of thing, so right now I'm just avoiding it completely. Right now in my point of life I don't think I'll be faced with having to rent a car or buy a house, but who knows what'll happen in the future. Would you need one for any reason to buy a plane ticket/airport business?
It sucks that the word is revolving around plastic..
Well, you're going to have to learn to exercise self-control at some point. That's just part of adulthood. You're going to want to get beyond hand to mouth.
As a rule of thumb, the only time you can use a credit card but not a debit card is when you are putting it form as indication you'll pay later, like to cover a hotel minibar or a rental car (although I've used a debit card to cover incidentals in a hotel, it really depends on how much the hotel has been burned by people with debit cards in the past). If you're worried about getting out of control, get a secured card with a low limit, like $500. You put the 500 down when you get the card, but pay it off like a credit card every month. That way it can never get out of hand because the money's always there.
It does suck that world revolves around plastic, but there it is. It's easier to do things when you play by the rules.