It depends. Sometimes we get stuck in nostalgia land, elect ourselves president of that state, never leave...and thus fail to realize that we were young(er) when we saw an original and that shaped our reference and love for a particular work. Moreover, sometimes the original sucked and it takes a remake to make us realize that. I know this is often not the case, but the notion of originality or that original = good is equally flawed. Besides, what makes an original an original…because it was the first time you saw ideas arranged that way, presented that way, visualized that way, or are the ideas themselves original? Oftentimes what we think is original is just a limitation of how far back we reach. Still, the first movie version of a film is either limited or aided by its time, the director's vision, the skill of the actors, budget, etc. I know I have ideas that people have formulated/expressed differently, if not better, so I think it all depends on perspective. Anyway, I know I am getting overly philosophical, but I will admit that some remakes do beg the question: why?
Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake.