How many children at birth are able to give consent? NONE of them are. Just the same as how many children have the ability to be fully functional at birth, by which I mean (feeding, changing, grooming, etc.)?? Again, none of them can.
So then would it be reasonable to think that there are a few things at birth that your parents should be able to make a decision for you on? Yes.
If the statistics were flip flopped and the un-cut were the majority, would this be an issue?? Would it be a "societal norm" ? Would people be called "sheeple" if they just followed along and left a child un circumsized??
Think about it from the other side of the fence.
Being of the "cut" demographic, I suffer not on sensitivity, arousal, lubrication, or any of the other symptoms described in detail here. I haven't had a foreskin so I cannot argue to the having one side, as those who do have one cannot make assumptions that I must be less sensitive, etc.
I do not have emotional issues, resentment to my parents for "mutilating" me. *mutilate being a bit of a strong word in my opinion* I see 'mutilate' and think of hitting your foot with a lawn mower, an injury that severly disfigures a limb or body part. Not the trimming of skin in a medical procedure.
To the poster that asked if it would be ok if they allowed their child's earlobes to be cut off.. I would say to you "go ahead". It is your child, and they do not have the ability to consent to what you do. Is it right? Who am I to say? I do not make laws, or judgements as to what is "morally and ethically" correct.
Seeing how I will not see the genitals of 99.9999999% of the world out there. I couldn't care less if someone is cut or un-cut.
As long as they are comfortable with their bodies, and are happy with themselves; who am I to really say anything? And who am I to say that someone is a "bad parent" or makes "bad choices"? So who are you to tell me that what I choose to do to MY child is a bad choice? Why do you feel it is your need to tell me what I am doing is wrong?
I don't know if any of this was particularly thrilling or not, but I felt compelled to respond with something. I just have issues with people in general thinking that they know what is 'right' or the 'best decision' for me and my life style.
I'm so in love with a girl... she is my everything