Originally posted by Realizm
Where do you come off thinking VBR is better than CBR?
As I understand, VBR = Variable Bit Rate, and CBR = Constant bit Rate. Now. Variable bit rate means than some of the not so busy (for lack of knowing audio shit) parts of an audio file are given a smaller bit rate while the more important parts and kept at a high quality.
Now, a person with a musical ear and need for quality should want ALL parts of a song to be at the high bit rate, shouldn't they?
This is just my two cents.. I'm for CBR, all the way.
its the exact opposite, with variable, it uses more bitrates at time in which it is more important, ie silence it might stay around 130, and then if the song gradually beings it starts giving more and more bitrates to that section. VBR isn't bad, but it should be kept for just MPEG2 in my opinion.
Originally posted by nash
Where do you get private FTP sites?
thats like asking where to get warez, so its best not to ask.