Originally Posted by BigBen
Are they wicked smart? Yes.
Not always. I know several doctors who are not smart outside of their area of expertise. They have very little "general" intelligence. My wife works closely with doctors every day. She is not a nurse -- in a nutshell she helps set up their practices. She sees them outside of their "doctor" role.
The best thing you can do is build a relationship with a doctor. Be open and honest about everything you do (drinking, drugs, exercise). Always question a prescription or procedure. A good doctor will appreciate the fact that you are taking an active interest in your own well-being. Talk to the administrative staff at hospitals to find out who the "best" doctors are.
It also comes down to what YOU are comfortable with. Personally, I like my doctors to be women with an "earthy" or "hippy" personality. You may not like that. It has taken me some time to find the perfect doctor for me ... it will take time for you too.
Doctors are not above reproach. That said, they do have to be careful with what they say in this sue-happy society. An apology can appear to be an admission of malpractice in certain situations.
EDITED -- for grammar.