I admit I want discussion on the topic as I need to see what and why people think the way they do.
This is a topic which could very well be life/death to some of us at some point in time.
I know deaths are caused by anything, but why is it when deaths caused by doctors come up people get defensive.
If I said 100000 died a year because of criminals the reaction would be to take action to stop it, not to excuse it or defend it.
Does it help us to have people with a literal license to kill, even though they do it when trying to help? Should they be untouchable? Does it help us or them?
I think mistakes are inherent in all of us, and I don't expect perfection.
But I do expect acknowledgement of the mistake and stated steps to reduce it from happening again, not trying to avoid responsibilty.
Now there are those that are trying to change things and this is a gigantic step towards this but the medical profession has a history of trying to block diagnostic software.
The most obvious reason is that it takes away the main reason they go to school and exist - diagnosis. It only leaves things like surgery and ER in their area, the rest can be done far better and cheaper by less skilled personel.