Originally Posted by onodrim
Not to turn this into a lube thread, but yes, lube is the key to pain free sex. Since starting on birth control I lost a lot of my natural lubrication and will almost always be sore if we don't use lube during sex. We found a water based lube at a local sex shop that is incredible. It's called Liquid Silk. A little goes a long way and so it lasts forever. Plus is is safe to use with any toys and doesn't cause yeast infections. I highly recommend checking it out! http://www.early2bed.com/Merchant2/m...ry_Code=WBLUBE
yeah im in the exact same boat, ive been taking the birth control pill for 21 days im on my 7 day break now and i get water based lubricanty from places like ann summers its really cheap and it does last forever i went to see a doctor about the burning sensation i get after sex and all she said was you jut need lube becuase you've lost most of your natural lubricant which will make you dry out and cause you pain, so im stashed with lube now ^_^