Going back to your question about what is emotional cheating. I feel that it is the point at which someone outside of the relationship takes on a nearly equal or greater emotional importance than your significant other. Why is this threatening? Because in order to fully bond with someone, one of the criteria is that you understand each other to a great degree. If you are sharing your pains and joys of your life with someone other than your SO, this can cause an emotional deficit in your relationship. Pretty soon it feels like you're with a stranger who is not really there and who you're having sex with. Everything begins to feel cheap. I know this because I have been emotionally cheated on and it is not something I am willing to go through ever again. I need to know I am the one my SO runs to when they have problems. I also need to know that they are there for me when I need someone to talk to. Is this selfish? Yes it is. But in the end, I think the goal is to create a bond that no one can interfere with. I think that the nature of women and men make it very hard to be friends to a great degree if there is any attraction at all and an emotional attachment. Why? Because that's part of how you define a relationship between you and your SO. Attraction and emotional attachment comes first, then later the sexual dimension comes into play.
Last edited by Impetuous1; 01-12-2006 at 09:27 PM..