Originally Posted by Ustwo
Sort of ironic that defense orders are DOWN don't you think?
10.9 percent? Not bad growth for the year.
Not ironic....
all orders were down except Boeing
Not to mention they are
orders not backlog
defence orders fluctuate wildly
I worked in the aerospace dept for over a year,
we would get hit with a dozen major orders and have to work
overtime for weeks straight to get everything out the door.
Then several weeks being moved around to other areas
just to stay busy.
I was so happy to get back to heavy duty truck
where the customers planned ahead.
found the backlog numbers
Unfilled orders, up seven consecutive months, increased $18.1 billion or 3.0 percent to $621.4 billion
"10.9 percent?"
is that 2004 numbers? or 2005? or did they just skip 2004?
Percentages are the accountants evil tool
Found some "real numbers not percentages of percentages
defense aircraft and parts orders tumbled 44.3% Oct. to Nov.
$3.9 Billion November... $7.1B October... $2.9 B September
Up $4.2 B Sept to Oct.....Down $3.2 B Oct. to Nov.
Up $1 billion for the quarter.....nice percentage fudge
Defense new orders for capital goods in November
decreased $2.6 billion or 26.6 percent to $7.2 billion.
Same thing here
7.2 in Nov. 9.7 in Oct. 6.7 in Sept.
overall rise for the quarter half a billion
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