Another vote here for volunteering. If I was single and not in school, I'd most definitely be volunteering in my spare time. And smart chicks dig guys who volunteer, too... as long as you aren't doing it JUST to meet women (they'll see through you).

Unfortunately, I never saw many guys volunteering when I did it in college. Too bad for them!
But you really don't have to get all idealistic to find smart women. One of my best friends is an MD/PhD at Harvard Med School and a guy asked her out at a bar in Boston. Yes, a bar. And they've been together ever since.
You don't have to hang out at the Student Union Building, but if you take some night classes at a community college, the crowd there tends to be older and more mature. I'd recommend doing that just to pick up some new skillz.. ceramics, history refresher, etc, and maybe meet a smart woman along the way.