There is a really great article in Macleans Magazine ( a Canadian staple, and very good weekly) about how the author of the book Vengeance, on which the movie was based discusses how Spielberg and Hollywood changed the truths in his book.
A quote from author George Jonas:
"...I tried to formulate the differences between the book and the movie...Spielbergs Munich flollows the letter of my book closely enough. The spirit is almost the opposite. Vengeance holds there is a difference between terrorism and counterterrorism; Munich suggests there isn't. The book has no trouble telling an act of war from a war crime; the film finds it difficult. Spielbergs movie worries about the moral trap of resisting terror; my book worries about the moral trap of not resisting it."
Just a tidbit. The article is good. Sorry I don't have the link.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys