Hi all. I'm from the UK and I'm a full time student. I work part time on the doors, as what's commonly known as a "bouncer". I'm in the same position as some of you...
Being a student and running my own part time business, I would say I've got half a brain! When I work on the doors I seem to attract the wrong type of girls. The job I do has a steriotypical image (big, thuggish looking, hard and dumb!) that many people just automatically tag onto you, hence its very hard to meet a "smart woman". I go week by week seeing the same silly little girls on the dancefloor and its beginning to bug me. I even work student nights...and there is no hope there (I think its because I prefer slightly older women who tend not to drink pints, smoke and go with anyone!).
Many people often question me about being a steward as I'm not big (weight wise), I have a nice smile rather than a thuggish look and I speak properly!
I don't want to change my job as I love the adrenaline kicks and the hours fit in well with my timetable. I checked out online dating (as I knew a few students who have met people online), but most of the profiles are made up by the dating company!
Last edited by khalid.w.a; 01-11-2006 at 06:28 PM..