Originally Posted by BigBen
I would have to say that your experience is very true. I find compassion in the people who are stuck in a war-torn country with nowhere to go and noone but the peacekeeper to help. The people for tearing the country apart, on the other hand; I find it hard to understand a compassionate approach.
I guess this is getting off topic here - perhaps you can start a new thread so your theories can be discussed.
I, for now, am supposing the reason the country is war torn is because someone felt power was a means to accomplish a task. I doubt compassion was one of his attributes.. Had that person been taught as a child to appreciate and respect others I doubt the problem would exist.
Bit of a catch-22, but Ghandi showed it can be broken. One thing for sure we will never get out of it if we do not whittle away at seeing threats instead of respect for the people. Children are a good place to start.
I may be wrong, but I think history has shown making more weapons has not worked. Martial arts is unlikely the solution to a world with less fear.