I guess my first response would be.....and?
Where is the discussion here? Maybe I missed something.
Also, there are thin clients with XP embedded already running. Its actually called, XPe.
A good example of Thin Clients with XPe is at http://www.neoware.com/thin-clients/windows_xpe.html.
Also, notice that the link from Bink.nu that you linked to was posted April 2005.
In addition, you can find more info about XPe at http://msdn.microsoft.com/embedded/w...d/default.aspx.
"You hear the one about the fella who died, went to the pearly gates? St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument. Says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."