Originally Posted by Charlatan
Perky... definately perky.
Have you ever walked out of a movie in disgust?
YES! 2 of them actually:
1) Jaws 3D - people were booing it. This was at the Imperial 6 on Yonge at Dundas
2) Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure: I complained about the small screen at the theatre, and the smell/stickiness of the floor. I wanted a discount, the usher guy said: " You're not from around here are you?" (referring to my lack of knowledge the Cineplex experience). Au contraire, I said, I live within walking distance, and demanded a refund. I ended up driving up to Fairview Mall cinemas to watch it at the same price, but in comfort.
edit: damn too slow too (or toomuch typing)
Other: black hair
what is the rudest thing that you have ever done?