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Old 01-11-2006, 09:31 AM   #115 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Charlatan
Again, I personally feel there is a big difference between most of the decisions we as parents make for our kids and something like circumcision. Perhaps this is just me though.

Again, the choice you made with your daughter is different. Her fused labia was not a "natural" state. The natural vagina is not fused. You opted to repair a problem thereby giving her full and proper use of her genitals.
But the fused labia WAS her "natural state"

Originally Posted by Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: nat·u·ral
Pronunciation: 'na-ch&-r&l, 'nach-r&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin naturalis of nature, from natura nature
1 : based on an inherent sense of right and wrong <natural justice>
2 a : being in accordance with or determined by nature b : having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature
3 a (1) : begotten as distinguished from adopted; also : LEGITIMATE (2) : being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adoption <natural parents> b : ILLEGITIMATE <a natural child>
4 : having an essential relation with someone or something : following from the nature of the one in question <his guilt is a natural deduction from the evidence>
5 : implanted or being as if implanted by nature : seemingly inborn <a natural talent for art>
6 : of or relating to nature as an object of study and research
7 : having a specified character by nature <a natural athlete
I think at a bare minimum... in "the strictest sense" #2b is correct as the fused labia was determined by nature, or by causes outside of human influence (which happens to be part of definition #10). So since she decided to alter the natural form of her child, it was "mutilation" and probably should not have been done unless there were critical concerns to the daughters health (which it did not sound like there would be). Can we quote dictionaries and push our own propoganda some more? I'm really getting into this!
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