Originally Posted by soma
I don't know. I also feel sort of like ... erg this may sound stupid, but a friend told me that it's always better for the girl to fall for you first...
If what you're after is a control game, that's definitely true.
If what you're after is a
relationship, on the other hand... Not so true.
You know, in sales, the advice is not to spill all your candy on the table. Hold back a little information, dole it out in pieces to keep your customer interested and asking for more from you. I've found that if you're interested in a sales game (which is about control) in your relationship, then that's good advice. Play it close to the chest, don't actually say how things really are for you, make her beg for anything from you.
That is actually counter-productive if what you want is an open, intimate relationship. Best thing is to lay all your cards on the table, and let them fall where they may. Openness and vulnerability are very attractive qualities.