Does anyone have a whiff of a hint of an idea of when full server transfers are going to come out? As in, I pay $40 and my character moves from one server to another?
My current guild is on Nef and does alright, but they do a whole bunch of things that make me want to kill myself on a regular basis. For example: Razorgore was scheduled for 6:30 tonight. Invites started at 6:15. We pulled at 7:30. I waited an hour and fifteen minutes for people who knew when the raid was scheduled to bother to get inside BWL. A few hours later (lag was too bad after we killed Razor to try immediately), we set out to do Vael and a full half hour after we were supposed to pull him, my DSL crashed. I frantically fixed it, logged back in not fifteen minutes later only to discover 1) Vael was dead and 2) DS belt (which I had just told everyone I really wanted) dropped and went to someone who took it only to prevent it from being DE'd. I was told by the raid leader, "Sorry, we didn't know if you were coming back and people were getting antsy. Hope you didn't want that." I sure am glad I waited over an hour and a half for people tonight when they couldn't wait ten minutes for me. Ugh.
I have a standing offer from the top alliance guild on another server that my friend plays on so I'm VERY eager to get there and I was hoping that someone might have some idea of when that might be.
Sorry for the rant, I needed to get that out of my system. So, anyone know?