Sorry about your friend but what can you say, that sucks. I believe its a requirement to have coverage against uninsured/underinsured motorists although GAP isn't required.
Anyway, he would have been in the same situation if he got in an accident with someone who was insured, that's the whole reason why you have GAP coverage, because the insurance company is only responsible for the value of the car plus any injury-related things.
Manditory towing laws don't solve anything. If someone is hell bent on not having coverage they can get covereage for the day and cancel right afterwards. It's merely an inconvenience to them. OTOH, honest people who made the mistake of taking their insurance cards out of the car, losing it, or whatever have to pay hundreds of dollars to some asshole towing company that would rather tow some jerk who is in the wrong parking lot than a motorist who is stranded on the freeway (that's been me and I waited over two hours on the side of a busy freeway in rush hour traffic). All it accomplishes is screwing over honest people who made an honest mistake.