One point that hasn't been brought up is that supposedly it doesn't matter when you put your eggs in the "religion" basket, as long as you do so you're off to heaven. Thousands of prisoners "find Jesus" in prison. They are then forgiven for their sins, and a lot of those "sins" include murder, rape, etc.
My point is that there are bad people that will do bad things, and I don't think they're worried about the concept of heaven or an afterlife when they choose to do them. Some are born bad, others converted by peer pressure, some turn bad based on other circumstances like not having enough money to support their family or drug habit.
I'm an atheist, and I feel motivated to be good to other people. My chance to do that is here, not there. Someone headed for prison might have 100% belief in God & the afterlife but still chooses to off someone for fun or a few bucks. That's just people.
I do, however, believe that religion is needed in society to keep order. If everyone was convinced there was no repurcussion for their actions, I think you would have a higher crime rate...