The only time I have ever succeeded in intentionally hunting down an intelligent woman involved a college campus so your screwed though the methodology may help you. It was simple I determined I needed new friends and so I found the angsty and vice loving group that hang around outside the library (my choice of groups was due to my realization that when I had encountered them as individuals, they were intelligent and quirky AKA perfect, even though a whole not my kind of people) I just sat my ass down one morning and put myself in conversation, something which is incredibly against my norm. I made like 4 friends and half a dozen enemies in the group, but one of the friends was the smartest person I have ever met. Who I learned later was into me (I wasn't into her, shes a great friend that I will try to keep for life but I was unable to come to grips with some of her faults). Moral of the story is be intelligent and put yourself in the middle of the most intelligent group you can find, if you pass their test (I didn't pass the half a dozens tests, mostly cause my chess game didn't match my mouth, I was half a dozen years without a partner so I was to say the least rusty) your more golden then Baal himself. Now I understand that it is finding the smart group that is hard for you, but I had it the other way around, so think out of the box, invite yourself to a group that does not fit you at all cause a group is defined by a minority of its member usually.