Originally Posted by healer
It's called Phimosis, and I'm a sufferer.
Same here, and with my dad and youngest brother. I was snipped at a very young age, and have never really noticed any side effects. I'm sure as hell not embarrased about it, nor do I miss the extra skin.
I think the whole issue is overblown, actually. There was one member above who advocated murder as a response to small-scale, voluntary medical procedure. Several others decrying it as the worst form of child abuse around. I don't know about you, but I can think of many, MANY things worse to do to a child.
The procedure, however, could be a lot nicer. From
Up to 96% of infants in some areas of the United States receive no anesthesia during circumcision. No anesthetic currently in use for circumcisions is effective during the most painful parts of the procedure.
Ouch, yo. That's not so much a question of cultural/religious ethics as a question of medical ethics, I think. I was under general anesthetic for my operation, which I assumed was the norm. Hence, the results of the studies on post-traumatic stress and long-term mental health may be more a result of a painful procedure at a young age than circumcision itself.