Hokay, time for me to revive an old thread for a bit of a rant. I was playing my new favorite online FPS, Enemy Territory this afternoon on one of my favorite servers, which happens to be one of <COBRA>'s clan servers. I enjoy this particular server because the admins are usually trying to keep things fun and fair (warn/ban for spawn killing and even teams among other things). After a particular game where I racked up a fair amount of kills (on top of having more XP than most of their clan members), I complimented them on running a nice server. In the next game, one of the clan members hits me with a grenade posthumously, by my mistake. The first thing typed is "OMFG, n00b." I simply typed back, "I'm not a noob, don't be an ass." I was muted immediately, and he went on about how I was being rude for a noob, and what not. Geez, dude, I just gave your whole clan props after playing up to their skills, shut up. Thankfully, another admin was cool enough to realize he was being a douche, so he unmuted me. People just don't know how to act, but I just find it odd that I can be talked down to by a high school kid and have little control over it at the moment. Just my two cents.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."