Sure, maybe it was inflammatory of me to make that generalization about the yellow ribbon magnets (made in China).
It's been my
personal experience that these are the most likely, and far and away most vocal people who question my patriotism and my position on this war's devotion to country and military.
Then I see this and I think, wtf? How can I be questioned in the face of this?
Fwiw I posted this article elsewhere and got this response:
I wore an IBAS for any and all operations in Iraq, from Ivy Blizzard in Samarra to Red Dawn in ad-Dawr to Cobra in Tikrit to the numerous tasks in Ironhorse.
They do NOT weigh down, cause decreased mobility, or anything. They make it a little bit uncomfortable when riding in a HMMWV, but that's about it.
I also remember donating to multiple drives in my area to raise money so that local VFW's and other groups could buy surplus and unwearable body armor to send to soldiers to pack around in their hv's and to buy vests to send to soldiers who have none. We shouldn't have to be providing charity to the military. We're america. We should be protecting our soldiers with the best we can give them. We aren't.
And don't immediately blame this on Clinton either. (i.e. he left and unprepared, underfunded military... which is a bullshit charge anyway). This was a war of convenience, not necessity. We had all the time we wanted, as the aggressors. This current administration entered
It's like our military administrators view their charges as disposable human waste. They see dollar signs, not people.