Originally Posted by sgn43
And lastly, justsomeguy, the reason SC is recognized as back to back champions is because they were ranked number one by every human poll and just got screwed by flaws in the bcs' system, so they couldn't play for the crystal ball. However, as the number one ranked team in the nation, they soundly beat a good Michigan team, and never has a number one team won a game and been moved down a spot. You mentioned that the bcs is the only championship that matters...then why did they completely rehaul the system because of the debacle?
Easy answer. Because IT IS the only championship that matters now. It is the only championship that matters and they realized there were some flaws. Therefore, corrections were needed. Or maybe they wanted to make the media and/or fans happy? Or maybe it was easier to admit the unbiased computers were more flawed rather than the human poll? Any of those are reasonable answers.