So, what do you suggest? Where should I start? What was your process in choosing a doctor? What questions should I be asking?
Two questions to start with - what's your age and do you have any existing health problems...
If you're young and the answer to the other question is none.. then picking a doctor who's practice isn't full would be where i'd pick...
Basically - HoW long does it take to get an appointment - and what hours does the doctor work... (like if you wanted a before work appointment -- is the doctor there at 7am )
More than likely you are healthy, and really the health coverage is purely maintenance- you just want to make sure that the doctor is available when you need them to be.
Since it's managed care.. does this mean to go to a specialist - you have to go thru your primary care physician... Does the doctor require that you come in to see him before going to the specialist or will a simple phone call suffice ( years back - with aetna - Women were not allowed to have OBGyns as a primary care.. so in order to go to my Gyn... I had to go to the primary care first and this idiot insisted on having me come into the office first - luckily Aetna changed their policy later.. but it was frustrating..0