Originally Posted by Ustwo
I hear its the assholes who bitch about the military and military spending and then bitch about all aspects of a military operation with half facts and hindsight. They are the true supporters of the troops.
Yeah, you're right. Because only in hindsight can we figure out that troops without body armor are less protected than troops with body armor. 20/20 hindsight is all well and good - - but legally blind foresight is pretty pathetic.
And that's a VERY nice attempt, Ustwo, to link complaints about military spending and complaints about lack of body armor. Too bad it's total crap. We can be upset that there's so much money being spent on the military, and then also be upset that, even though all that money is being spent on the military, the chickenhawks in power today still send our young troops overseas to fight without equipping them properly. Actually, your point pretty much backfires to hell and gone, doesn't it.