Yeah, I read a lot of marketing hype. I dunno, I think I'd rather grab a Linksys router over that sucker, but then I'm biased. Having worked in the professional IT world I know Cisco's legendary (and well-deserved) repuatation for quality and so will buy only from them or their subsidiary.
yotta seems to have the technology right though. Seems like all it does is throttle your p2p programs in order to increase available bandwidth for your games. The gigabit part is nice, but will make no practical difference to your internet gaming, since your cable/DSL doesn't even surpass 10 mbps, let alone 100. On ethernet you may see a boost, but then when it comes to LAN gaming I've never seen any noticable lag on a 10/100 router, so I don't see gigabit as being really necessary.
Reminds me of a discussion I had with a friend of mine. I contested that unless you have a lot of boxen or other devices crowding your network, you're very unlikely to fill a 1 gb pipe anyway. Figure, even if you max out your internet connection (figure 8 mbps if it's a really fast one) are playing a LAN game (I'd estimate about 150 mbps, since with 100 mbps I generally get ping times in the sub-10ms range) and are transfering a huge-ass file (taking bus speed out of the equation, we could assign 300 mbps as the theoretical maximum on that since that's the most you're going to get out of a pair of RAIDed SATA drives anyway) you still fall far short of the 1 gbps mark. And that's being optimistic to the point of foolishness; the reality is you'll be throttled by your FSB if you try to generate that much traffic. Quick math shows at a total of about 550-600 mbps. A nice big number yeah, but you still haven't filled that pipe and the real maximum that can be generated would be much, much lower.
Anyway, unless you're in the habit of running programs in the background that make moderate to heavy use of the network, you're probably better off to just go with a Linksys or even a regular DLink model.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said
- Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame