Originally Posted by shakran
Which is both good and bad. We've all seen how those stupid internet rumors spread. And hell most of those aren't even believable (forward this and Bill Gates will give you $100, etc). What if, in this future "news on the web" world, some idiot starts spreading lies, but makes them believable? You'd end up with an information anarchy in which you could never really know what news was true and what was false. That, if possible, would be even more of a disaster than the news situation today is.
A free press means a press free of government control. This is the only way that all of the truth has the possiblity of being brought forward. If a website has say 70% disinfo and lies, but 30% of the material was spot on and not being covered by anyone else, then it would be a diservice to the people to have the government restrict it because of it's track record. It's the job of the consumer to discern the information not the government. People know when they smell BS that's why they are going to the internet now instead of mainstream news.
The real disaster would be the truth not getting out due to governmental censors, not someone spreading rumors on the internets!!!ELVEN!!11
Take for instance
www.rense.com. I don't agree with every article they post, but I find their view of how news should be handled to be spot on.
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