I used to travel extensivly with a debit card, but didn't like the idea of prepaying a deposit that would be returned into my acount a week later. I remember trying to rent a scooter with a debit deposit the same day I checked into a hotel and having problems. Not that I didn't have money in the account, but that I had exceeded my (already increased) daily limit. I needed to spend about 150, but needed to deposit 10 times that amount. It simply made travel more difficult.
Also rather difficult to make online/telephone purchases without a credit card.
I also used to own and operate a boat rental operation. I intentionally made it difficult to rent without a credit card; not having one is usually a good indication that the renter has less available money/is less responsible than someone with a card. Not always true, but I had less problem giving the keys to a 25000 ski boat to someone with a platinum card than letting someone with a wad a cash/debit card rent a 1500 fishing boat.
I was able to finance the boats (I was 20) because I had a sears card, a Bay card, and a Canadian Tire Card, which I all was able to get because of a starter mastercard(18). I've since bought a truck and cars(21). I hold half a dozen credit cards -all paid off every month. I took out a mortgage on a 200,000 condo(22). I'm not terribly proud that I will be in debt for the indefinate future, but I am proud that I have credit if I need it, that I drive a reliable vehicle, and that I'm paying down a mortgage instead of paying down the mortage for a landlord.
I've also gone back to school for the last three years and only work 4 months out of the year. I don't have a huge income, but I have decent credit. My brother recently bought a Dell laptop for christmas. Shame he couldn't pay for it with his online banking. I put it on a credit card and he cut me a cheque.
I was stuck at the Tampa, Fl airport on tuesday. The cruise disembarkment had been delayed due to fog, flights had been missed. My wife, sister-in-law, and her husband had taken time off and all very much needed to be at work the next morning here in Alberta. We were told to make flight arrangments to be reimbursed by the cruise line, and I did so for all 4 of us. However, it would have been impossible to make it home in time if I didn't have a credit card to throw down.
Get a credit card. Use it wisely. It makes life much easier.