I've had it for the past 17 years and have the occasional flare up.
Nothing like my father (who had his colon taken out).
What I can recommend is to drink 100% aloe vera juice. It works wonders....I have slacked off on it and can tell the difference in the past few months that I have. It tastes like crap at first but if you mix a little with some juice every day you will notice a difference after about a month or so. Trust me...it works wonders.
What kind of meds do they got you on? I have been on Dipentum 250 mg. 2x a day. Also when I have a flare up...I take prednisone which seems to really help out. Of course talk to your doctor about the prednisone, but it helps me.
Also, I recommend cutting out any alcohol if you drink. I know I should.