Although I am not a professor of linguistics, I have to take exception to the statements claiming that humans are Carnivores;
Carnivores are animals that eat meat exclusively (think lions, hyenas)
Herbivores are animals that eat vegetables exclusively (think cows and rabbits)
Omnivores eat a diet that consists of both meat and vegetables (think bears, humans)
Just saying.
It seems that I have fallen into the classical investigative trap: I am getting responses from those who have killed for sport, those who have killed for food, and those who have killed by accident. I was trying to get a representative sample, and only those involved in the process are replying, possibly skewing my results. Do people think I am mistaken in my hypothesis that:
Most consumers of meat products have never witnessed (nor participated) in the death of said food animal.
Hmmm. Looking at the responses, I think I may have to reevaluate my thinking.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.