Originally Posted by maleficent
just go shoot the coon
That stuck out for me, for some reason.
As far as hunting goes... I dunno, part of me finds hunting animals for sport with a big rifle with a sniper scope a bit... well, unsporting, I suppose. I don't really have a moral issue with it, especially if you plan to cook the kill, but I don't think it's exactly 'sport' to do it with a bloody big gun.
Fishing and what have you, I have no problem with. Nature, red in tooth and claw and all that, eh?
Originally Posted by Carn
These rednecks would then chase the armadillos and kick them to death. I never saw it happen, but I have seen the aftermath and it is not pretty. It's that kind of shit that makes me want to hunt people.
Yea, I'd agree with that. That's just nasty.
Edit: To answer the question, apart from the odd insect, no. The closest I've come is a whacking great moth that was almost as big across as the palm of my hand. *shudder*