Have you ever killed an animal?
I was reading the KentuckyFriedCruelty.com thread, and the PETA argument was quickly batted back and forth.
I was thinking to myself, "Of all the things I have killed in my life, chickens would rank at the worst things to kill."
Then I thought that replying to that post would be moot at best, and was wondering if other TFP'ers have actively taken an animals life? First, I think this thread would make a PETA member cry, and I am in favour of that. I do not like their organization or their tactics.
I am also against animal cruelty, and would never support hunting or harvesting practices that cause suffering.
But therein lies the rub: Is there not just a little bit of cruelty as that deer dies, or the chicken's head is seperated from its tasty body? Maybe a little bit, but I don't want the animal to suffer.
I fish for sport, and am tasked with cleaning said fish once the day is done. When the fish is kept in a live-well, the fish goes crazy when my fillet knife enters its body. To avoid this queazy feeling, I always hit the fish over the head before starting the filleting process. Do other TFP'ers do this too?
I hunt for sport, and part of that sport includes field-dressing the animal once you have killed it. I have been on hunts where the animal was still alive after we had tracked it down, and cutting its throat is necessary. I object to this job, and think it is better to put a bullet in the animals head to prevent suffering. Do other TFP'ers believe I am a monster for participating in this activity?
I have worked on a farm as a child (and teenager, and a tiny bit as an adult.) and part of that job includes butchering chickens in the fall. A clean axe to seperate the head from the body seems to me the most humane form of butchering, but the body starts to flap around and go nuts. I have had to hold on to the chickens while this happens, because the body will LITERALLY run away without its head. Very disturbing as a child, but the chicken is very tasty. I have cleaned enough chicken coops to criticize the scientific nature of their intelligence. I personally don't believe that they possess intelligence, and don't think twice about butchering them for their flesh. Do other TFP'ers think me mad for this?
I have owned family pets, and have had them euthenized once the veterenarian has exhausted medical treatment and recommended it. I have cried for the loss of these dear friends, and mourned them for long periods. Do TFP'ers think these actions are hypocritical?
I don't think many people have actually killed a chicken, and instead prefer it sitting cleanly on a styrofoam tray and wrapped in plastic. Maybe I am wrong, and thus I ask the question;
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.