Originally Posted by Seaver
Ok Yakk... so the EU gave more than the US.
I gave a huge list of per-capita amounts.
In terms of "which political unit gave the most", USA is not on top. The EU is.
In terms of per-capita or fraction of the economy, the USA isn't anywhere near the top of the developed world.
Austrailia, with 20 million people, gave over 1 billion USD. USA, with a population of 300 million people, gave under 2 billion USD.
I can't remember what the result for "per capita giving from the EU" was -- I ran the numbers a while ago.
The EU has under 500 million people. The USA has about 300 million people. The EU gave more than twice as much as the USA did, if I remember right.
The EU and the USA have roughly the same GNP.
How many more people do the EU have than the US?
67% more people.
Which poll are you considering using these statistics?
What poll? I wasn't using a poll. I do not understand.
Why would you use a poll to determine the total amount of money a nation gave to something like tsunami releif? Aggregate numbers are availiable from various charitible institutions within each nation.
Polls in the past have proven to have an OBVIOUS bias considering they dont take into consideration the majority of our foreign support based on biased reasoning. Our economic support of Pakistan being witheld due to their "inhumane treatment" while other countries are allowed to donate to "earthquake relief" and allowed to count (as example on previous stingy threads).
I was only attempting to measure direct tsunami relief.
How much money does the EU rely on FROM the US through military NATO aid?
How much money does the USA rely on from China through mass purchase of USA 30 year government bonds?
I am simply looking at one statement made by the original poster, and disagreeing with it.
When you take that into consideration you'd see the playing field much more level, and America is far from "stingy" no matter how much you wish it to be.
Feel free to provide your own numbers. I'd love to see them.
I am simply disagreeing with the claim that the USA's tsunami releaf dwarfs other developed nations. This statement looked to me like a lie.
Lacking the ability to do serious research on the subject, I got most of my numerical information from the wikipedea. If you can find a better source, I'd be happy to hear about it. The wiki happens to agree with mainstream media source values for the USA, Austrailia, Canada and the UK (those being english-language nations for whom I could check the values) and Sweden/Norway (whose unusually high contributions where noted), and Qatar/UAE/Saudi Arabia, so I assumed the rest of the information was reasonably accurate.