Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Well, you have point here. Millions of hormone-laden boys won't want to have sex with her, just because she's wearing a thong. At this point, the thong isn't even in the equation. Millions of hormone-laden boys already want to have sex with her, thong or no thong. It's in the make up of teenage boys. Trust me...I used to be one. Now...add a thong to the mixture, and you're throwing top sirloin to a pack of hungry pit bulls. Just my opinion.
Bingo. And I'm not even talking about sexual abuse. Thinking your child is mature enough or smart enough to know better at that age is REALLY misguided IMO. As a former teenage boy (
), I can tell you it's not entirely difficult to get a girl to want to fool around with you as well (provided she has some attraction to you in the first place of course). Girls are hormone-laden too, and at that age it just takes the right words and the right pace, and all that good parenting is out the window. I find it amazing that people will wonder why kids are having sex at such early ages now (I have heard more than a few times of people who have had oral sex as early as 7th grade) yet at the same time allow their children to dress in such a sexual manner at early ages. No, that's not the ONLY contributing factor - it is just one part of an interweaving web of cultural influence - but it is still a factor, and one which must be considered.