Originally Posted by cybersharp
That IS a political theory. Love would not cause wealthy people to give their fellow man money, heck I am not wealthy, yet I would not accept charity. If you LOVE your fellow man then you will achnowledge that you should not live life for others in anyway but should live merely for yourself. If ALL men acceppted this then maybe they would propigate a means to surivival on their own instead of relying like a parasite on others.
Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged, and The Fountainhead. Each of these books shows true humanitarian value's to their fullest, also contradicting exactly what you just said very proficently.
If a man who worked and owned all his proceed's was to give all he had except that which he need to survive to anouther, each would come out worse. The one who gained would simply look to take more, (in most case's) while eventualy if not relieved the one upholding such dire help to the needy would eventualy be weighed down by the person who gained.
heh... Ayn Rand submit's the points so much better than me..
Ah yes, base your philosophy on a failed Hollywood screenwriter, who was an athieistic, egotistical writer who was as self righteous and self promotional as they come. Her writings are very predictable, boring, one dimensional and are FICTIONAL. To try to apply her "philosophy" into society is laughable.
While I agree, you do not give a man fish but teach him to fish and thus he becomes self reliant, she took that to extremes that could not, nor would not work in any society, except that of a selfish, self righteous, faceless society that would lead to decadence based on her philosophy that the only value in life is that of the individual's life. It would also lead to decay and a crumbling of society, in that the less fortunate would never advance. Fortunately, it has been man's desire to always question and look for ways to advance..... something that if we followed her philosophy politically and economically would cease to exist. Nor did she ever take into account man's psychological need for a society interdependant on each other.
For any society to move forward, people have to place value on society, help the less fortunate and educate others so that all may advance and that goes against everything Rand ever taught. Nor could she ever truly back up her philosophy, with explanations of how society itself would move forward and advance.