Imma prolly get the PS3 and Revo.. just cuz the Revo looks just so damn fun... and looks like it'll be comin in at under 200.. rumors of maybe even 100!
.. then i'd just have to buy since one next gen game is 60 bucks anyways.. hehe..
PS3 looks very impressive.. and Sony's been very jealous of the LIVE system that xbox has.. they'll prolly bring out a very similar product.. maybe even movie trailers and music downloads too, since Sony has such a broad market control over music and movies...
XBox?.. bleh.. I never really liked playing FPS' on consoles (cant turn around fast enough) ... So i guess Halo3 doesnt really sell the system for me... any other games i should be looking out for on the 360?.. oOo yea.. that new RPG that the guy who left Square is making? Blue Dragon or something?.. that sounds cool..
but for the MGS' and FF's i'll go PS3.. and then the budget Revo for my mario and Zelda fix! cmon. you KNOW Smash Bros. 3? will be fun
and Mario Party 17 will be fun too.. I just hope they have a solid Mario game for launch.. not his gimp brother vacuuming..