i'm not excusing it.. but I've spent enough time around newspapers to know that deadlines have to be met... (press deadlines that is - when you might have 5 newspapers using the same presses you have a specific window to get your paper printed )you blow a deadline you hemorrage cash pretty quickly and that cash is difficult to recover from...
At the witching hour -- the newspapers had the story - the miners were reported to be alive... From all accounts i've read-- the fact that they were all alive was given when the vital signs were still be taken - three hours later it came back that they were all dead..
I don't beleive that the media can be blamed for that three hour communication breakdown.
The media can be blamed for jumping the gun.. the news - both printed and broadcast are all about getting the story first... you get the story last -- well ratings go down, circulation drops... and money is lost --
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.