What's the sermon for? It's a good read... but... all those years i spent in catholic school and going to church I may have missed something...
It takes 40 days to form a habit, which is probably where Lent comes from. Catholics choose to give up a vice every year, during the 40 days of Lent. Now, the idea is that during those 40 days, the change will get hardwired into them, and they’ll never fall victim to that vice again. So, why doesn’t it work?
I never once thought that giving up something for lent was to form a habit -- 40 days is a traditional number of discipline, devotion, and preparation in the Bible -- moses stayed on the mountain for 40 days, elijah travelled for 40 days, and jesus was in the desert for 40 days...
and from every self help book I've ever read -- It takes 2 weeks to form a habit - not 40 days..