Originally Posted by CyCo PL
In Warcraft 3, if I know I'm going to die, I try to send out all of my peasants/builders to build the cheapest buildings possible all over the map, scattered all over the place. You can't technically eliminate somebody until all of their buildings are gone, so it would sometimes take a long time for them to actually eliminate me, especially if they couldn't find my peasants because I would keep building stuff after they destroyed it.
The best part is when they destroy a building but don't see the peasant near it, and you build the same thing exactly where they destroyed it... lots of the time people don't check there again because they've already checked there. suckers.
That used to happen a lot back in the day when I played ladder. I just build a bunch of flying units and had they scout the map. Hehe.
What's awesome, was once i was playing 2v1 ladder (my jerk random partner left during load). The other team rushed one of my bases, and killed everything. Except the wisps. So eventually, I managed to have a new Night Elf army up and running. All of a sudden, you see tons of messages like "omg! huntresses? the hell?!?!?!"