Originally Posted by pan6467
Oh and blame the party not in power and all the evil Libs. (Liberals not Libertarians because oddly enough as our rights are being taken the Libertarians aren't saying much) who voice concern for the loss of our rights, something EVERYONE should worry about, it isn't a Left or Right issue......it is an issue of what is CORRECT and what is WRONG.
And taking away the rights and freedoms from the innocent is wrong.
Luckily the flock is starting to wake up
Those who would trade liberity for security
are fewer each day. I hope not to late.
On the case of libertarians......
We have been voicing concerns
for many years now.
The majority of us have joined forces
with the liberals, due to common cause.
So we may "seem" invisible
The more extreme right among us
have...."gone quiet" not because they agree...
But because their warnings have fallen on deaf ears
And they have decided the time for talk is over
and, the time to prepare is here.
samcol your words show great wisdom
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