Originally Posted by Ustwo
This is wishywashy feel good BS. I think they need to start showing people jumping to there deaths on 9/11 hand in hand again to remind some of you with short memories of WHY we would like to not see this sort of thing happen again. Of course the media is afraid that it would just 'stir hatred' to show those images again. Might stir some sense into the left too. Saying we can stop all attacks is foolish, but so is saying there will be no prevention either, and the harder we make it for them, the less damage to life and the nations economy we will suffer. Perhaps they will think of a new way to attack us that we are not looking for, but it would be criminal to let them do it the same way again.
The people jumping to their deaths on 9/11 does stir hatred. The problem is the hatred should lie similarly on the shoulders of al qaida as well as our government. The events of 9/11 could of unfolded 100 times a year and should have been stopped 100 times by the hijackers being arrested or the planes being shot down. Instead the government failed to the point of actually being complicit in the attack. You might call it incompetance, but I call it crimminal negligence or treason.
There are far too many unanswered question regarding 9/11 for me to ever buy into any methods to combat terrorism. Lets figure out who needs to be fired before we lavishly promote everyone in the intelligence agencies. The attacks could of been stopped before post-9/11 legislation so lets stop sacrificing our liberties until we have accountability. Anti-terrorism as it stands today is the wrong solution for the wrong problem. The real problem is government negligence and lack of accountability not our freedoms.